Product Naming & Narrative  |  Package Design  |  Illustration  |  Digital Brand Assets

We fly a different direction.
Sittin’ just outside Blairsville, Georgia, not much further than you can pitch a ‘shoe, is a valley known to the old timers as Hoot Owl Hollow, named after the Great Horned Owls that haunted the woods. This is where Jack “Mimm” McClure sold beer, bootlegged corn liquor,and cared for the needy around him.
We made this vodka to celebrate Grandaddy Mimm, distilled smooth andclear with good Union County spring water from the Townsend family farm.
Hey, you hear that? That owl over yonder?Probably misses old Mimm as much as we do.


The Batch:
Creative Director – Keith Neltner
Brand Lead & Research – Andi Bussard
Illustrator – Tom Post
Writer – Jeff Chambers
3D Illustration – Polymath